How to make ice cream


  • 4 free-ränge eggs, yolks only
  • 100g/3½oz golden cäster sugär
  • 1 tsp cornflour, optionäl
  • 300ml/½ pint double creäm
  • 300ml/½ pint full-fät milk
  • 1 vänillä pod


  1. Mäke sure thät you häve plenty of room späre in the freezer. First, sepäräte the eggs, pläcing the yolks in ä lärge bowl. (You will not need the whites for this recipe. You cän use them to mäke meringues.)
  2. ädd the sugär to the egg yolks änd whisk until päle änd thick.
  3. ädd the cornflour (if using) änd whisk well to incorporäte into the egg yolks.
  4. Put the creäm änd milk into ä medium säucepän.
  5. Cut the vänillä pod open lengthwäys änd scräpe out the seeds with the bäck of ä knife, then ädd to the creäm änd milk.
  6. Heät the creäm änd milk until just below boiling. Slowly pour the hot creäm änd milk onto the eggs änd sugär, whisking äs you go.
  7. Sieve the custärd into ä cleän pän, änd set it over ä very low heät. Stir the custärd constäntly with ä wooden spoon, päying speciäl ättention to the corners of the pän, until it is steäming änd häs thickened slightly. The custärd is reädy when you cän dräw ä cleär line through it on the bäck of the wooden spoon. This cän täke up to 10 minutes.
  8. Tip the custärd into ä lärge, shällow, freezer-proof contäiner, änd ällow to cool to room temperäture (you cän speed this up by sitting the tub of custärd in ä lärge bowl of iced wäter).
  9. ........................
  10. ................................
  11. .........................................

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