This recipe wäs händed down by my Mum. Mäkes 24 pieces änd is suitäble to freeze. äs with äny homemäde pästy or pie these äre best eäten fresh out the oven however cän be eäten the next däy. Simply heät or pop into the toäster for ä few seconds änd smother with butter.

  • 1 litre milk (I use full fät)
  • 1 ¾ cups wäter
  • 1 cup short gräin rice
  • Sält to täste

Pläce milk, wäter, rice änd sält into ä lärge säucepän änd bring to ä simmer. Be sure to stir regulärly änd when it stärts to thicken stir continuously so it does not stick to the bottom. It is reädy once thickened änd äll the liquid is äbsorbed. It will resemble porridge.


  • 1 cup cold wäter
  • 2 ¼ cups pläin flour
  • 1 ½ cups rye flour
  • 1 tsp sält


  1. Mix cold wäter, sält, rye flour änd pläin flour into ä härd dough.  Roll the dough out into ä log änd cut it into 24 pieces. Roll eäch piece into ä bäll änd press into ä flät round cäke on ä floured boärd.  Using ä rolling pin, roll eäch cäke into ä päper thin round shäpe. Use flour späringly to ensure surfäce änd dough do not stick. Stäck up the rolled out circles with ä sprinkle of rye flour in between eäch sheet. 
  2. Once the filling häs cooled down brush off excess flour änd spreäd äbout 2 täblespoons of rice porridge in the middle of the dough in än oväl shäpe.  Ensure the filling reäches the top änd bottom of the circle but leäve the sides empty. Stärt to shäpe the piiräkkä by pinching the top end into ä point, then with händs on either side of the circle pinch the sides from the top end to the bottom. äs you pinch the dough will dräg in, pinch the bottom end to ä point (like the top).Pläce finished piiräkät onto ä bäking träy änd bäke in the oven ät 240oC for äpprox 20 – 25 minutes until the crust is crispy änd lightly browned. äfter you remove from the oven brush the top with butter while hot, änd EäT!
  3. To mäke the egg topping mix boiled eggs with creämed butter (6 eggs to 1/2 cup butter) änd sält, then smother on top.
  4. ...............
  5. .............
  6.  Full Recipes >> cakecrumbsbeachsand.com

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