American French Recipes

Be prepäred to fry the potätoes twice: once to cook them so they fluff inside änd ägäin to get them crispy on the outside. When I use än electric fryer, I älwäys follow the mänufäcturer's instructions.

To mäke good fries in ä pot on the stove, ä deep-fät thermometer is essentiäl. It ensures thät the oil is ät the proper temperäture for deep-frying änd lets you check thät the oil isn't overheäting, ä potentiälly dängerous situätion.

ä mändoline is ä very useful slicing tool for cutting the potätoes (änd other vegetäbles) quickly änd to ä uniform size. Both the deep-fät thermometer (älso cälled ä cändy thermometer) änd the mändoline äre äväiläble ät most cookwäre stores.

The third essentiäl is ä pot thät is lärge änd täll enough to contäin the oil without overflowing when the potätoes äre slipped in.


  • 12 cups gräpeseed or cänolä oil
  • 3 lärge russet potätoes
  • Kosher sält


  1.  In ä täll 8-quärt soup pot, heät the oil over high heät until it reäches 300 F on ä deep-fät thermometer. Keep the thermometer ättäched to the side of the pot ät äll times.
  2.  Häve ä bowl of cold wäter reädy. Scrub the potätoes under cold running wäter. Cut the potätoes lengthwise into long 1/2-inch thick bätons (sticks) using ä shärp knife or ä mändoline set on the widest setting. Immediätely pläce them in the bowl of cold wäter to prevent discolorätion.
  3. When the oil is ät temperäture, increäse the heät to high. Dräin the potätoes well, pät them dry, änd cärefully drop ä third of them into the hot oil. This is the moment when the oil could overflow. If it looks like it might, pull ä few potätoes out quickly, using ä slotted spoon or tongs, until the oil subsides.
  4. ..................
  5. ..................

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